

Eunuch & Non-Binary Assessment

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This Course will help mental health providers who work with nonbinary or eunuch people across the life span navigate the latest changes in the WPATH Standards of Care, version 8 and know how to implement them in your practice and evaluations with these populations. It will also help any provider managing complex cases understand when a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment is called for and when it’s not.

Integrating Changes in WPATH Standards of Care

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This course will help you integrate SOC8 into your assessments and medical referral letters while navigating a medical world steeped in SOC7, all while getting CEs.

Children & Biopsychosocial Assessments

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SoC8 changes in expectations for mental health providers working with children, Guidelines for approaching work with prepubescent children, Social transitions for children, An overview of comprehensive biopsychosocial assessments, Working with family & caregivers, Case examples

Adolescent & Family Assessment

Categories: Digital Courses|Tags: , , , , , , |

SoC8 Changes in expectations for mental health providers working with youth, Adolescent cognitive development and medical decision making, An overview of gender development, Changes in guidelines for assessment of adolescents, An overview of adolescent biopsychosocial assessments, The inclusion of multidisciplinary teams and family, How to navigate the transition from SoC7 to SoC8 with youth & families, Case examples

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